Today, more than ever, eco-sustainable packaging is a priority for the vast majority of companies.
The reasons are different, but mainly concern the overall problem of environmental pollution and the disposal of an increasing amount of waste.
The good news is that, in recent years, the environmental awareness of companies has increased a lot driven by the need to satisfy consumers who are more and more attentive to green issues.
Obligation and Deadlines to comply
with the single use plastic Directive
In addition to the responsible choices of various companies, usually large ones, various measures to limit the proliferation of single-use packaging have been added.
In the first case, giants such as McDonalds have set an example and have made a commitment to review the concept of their packaging, making sure that they are totally eco-sustainable by 2025.
In the second, it is worth recalling the European Union Directive 2019/904 of 5 June 2019 on reducing the impact of certain plastic products on the environment, better known as the SUP (Single Use Plastics) Directive.
A regulation that imposes progressively stricter prohibitions or restrictions on the sale of various single-use plastic items.
In this overall context lies the vision of the last generations, which increasingly supports brands responsible both socially and environmentally.
The numbers show, in practice, that eco packaging design is not a passing trend at all, but a necessity of companies to conquer new market slices
Eco packaging is a type of packaging designed and manufactured with a precise purpose: to limit its environmental impact or, at least, that it is able to reduce it.
We can talk, more generally, about green packaging with a direct link to the principles of circular economy.
Green packaging can be achieved in several ways:
All this, including the last point, is the basis of a circular economy of sustainability.