We know that, globally, big steps are being made towards new regulations on the use of plastics. All this as a result of a new sensitivity of consumers, as well as a consequence of national and supranational regulatory provisions, such as the European SUP Directive.
This is why individual manufacturers, and in particular companies operating in the PET packaging sector, are studying new solutions to anticipate the needs of the markets.
SIPA's approach in PET packaging with reference to sustainability
The development of new PET packaging by SIPA takes place on the basis of precise factors such as the progressive lightening of the weight of the containers, the guarantee of always high performance, the utmost attention to aesthetics and ease of use by end consumers.
Elements that combine with the principles of circular economy through SIPA’s holistic approach in packaging design.
AWArPET, the new SIPA brand related to environmental respect

The attention to the use of packaging materials, in a circular economy perspective, is leading SIPA to define new methodologies in the sign of the 3 Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) for the development of about 3000 new types of containers every year.
SIPA has therefore defined AWArPET: a brand able to communicate the company's approach in the design and production of PET packaging according to the utmost respect for the environment.
Focus: who is SIPA and how it operates
Since the 1980s, SIPA S.p.a. has been designing and manufacturing all technologies for the production, filling and secondary packaging of PET containers, from preform to final product, for beverages, food, detergency, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, strongly supported by our worldwide service network.
Not only that: SIPA has a high degree of specialization and is a technological partner whose main objective is to offer its customers innovative and competitive solutions for every specific need.
This offer includes a complete design service that helps customers to realize the first ideas on containers through drawings, virtual and real prototypes - functional and decorative - test and validation, up to the defined container.
The purpose of SIPA is therefore to design and implement the lightest and most appropriate solution, based on customer and market demands, transport and handling logistics, local scenarios and other factors.
Secondary packaging can also play a role. Needless to say, SIPA is a strong advocate of the use of post-consumer recycled materials.
The progressive use of rPET in packaging and the most innovative technological solutions
The SUP Directive requires a progressive use of recycled PET in packaging destined for the Food and Beverage market. Precisely for these reasons the use of rPET is destined to increase further compared to today, with an increasing number of bottles made from recycled materials.
SIPA is a leader in the design and manufacture of rPET packaging. The company has in fact accumulated considerable experience in preform/bottle design and process technologies to allow the use of this recycled material.
Let's not forget that SIPA has created the first circular system in the world that produces preforms and bottles while safeguarding the environment, saving energy and money.
In collaboration with EREMA SIPA has in fact designed and built XTREME RENEW, the first technology in the world that produces preforms from 100% rPET, in a single cycle.
READ ALSO: "Circular economy examples: Xtreme Renew for PET preforms for food use"
This revolutionary "bottle-to-bottle" system was designed for the circular economy, using less raw material (-10%), with energy savings (-30%) reduction in logistics costs (-20%) and a low TCO (-15%) than any other technology.
Special solutions have been developed also to produce preforms with traditional injection technology. In the tooling, hot runners have been upgraded to prevent accumulation of power thanks to SIPA XActive-Cleaning patented solution.
SIPA has also been developing ways to keep mold cavities as clean as possible. A system incorporating innovative vacuum technology reduces the need for maintenance and increases line efficiency.
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