Within this case history we will analyze the reasons that led GEPP to choose SIPA as a supplier of PET bottling and packaging technologies.
We will...
What changes in our processes? What news are there on the subject of preforms and containers? Or on the subject of molds and bottling lines? Which way do the company and the group decide to go? Much of what you want to know is here! Welcome to the SIPA Blog.
Within this case history we will analyze the reasons that led GEPP to choose SIPA as a supplier of PET bottling and packaging technologies.
We will...
As we have already mentioned in a dedicated article, the market is offering many opportunities to condiments and glazes of different types to accompany...
For some years now, the concepts of Lean Production and Lean Manufacturing have been introduced to all the most sophisticated world production systems.
SIPA operates mold refurbishing centers in Vittorio Veneto, Atlanta, Los Angeles, São Paulo, and San Luis Potosi, Mexico. In the next few months, the...
SIPA technology means it is possible to simplify and optimise production in companies working in the field of PET bottling.
SIPA is introducing a new PET rotary stretch-blow molding machine. It’s called XTRA and it combines an evolution in technology with a revolution in...
It is well-known how SIPA, a leader in PET preform systems & packaging solutions, pays the utmost attention to the environment, through continuous and...
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S.I.P.A. S.p.A Società di Industrializzazione Progettazione e Automazione
Via Caduti del Lavoro,3 - 31029 Vittorio Veneto - Italy - Cap. Soc. 5.160.000 i.v. - R.E.A. n. 141344 C.C.I.A.A. di Treviso
C.F., P. IVA e Iscr. Reg. Impr. TV 01118790268 ISO CODE N IT 01118790268 Socio Unico
Società soggetta all'attività di direzione e coordinamento di IRCA S.p.A. Industria Resistenze Corazzate e Affini