SIPA for Putokšnis case history
SIPA designs and produces injection molds since more than 30 years and today is the world’s second-largest mold maker for...
What changes in our processes? What news are there on the subject of preforms and containers? Or on the subject of molds and bottling lines? Which way do the company and the group decide to go? Much of what you want to know is here! Welcome to the SIPA Blog.
SIPA designs and produces injection molds since more than 30 years and today is the world’s second-largest mold maker for...
Whether it is olive oil or other vegetables oils, edible oil is a high added-value product.
For this product we must therefore take into great...
All companies involved in PET packaging should not think that lightweighting, namely the process of lightweighting for all primary, secondary and...
SIPA is introducing a new PET rotary stretch-blow molding machine. It’s called XTRA and it combines an evolution in technology with a revolution in...
It is well-known how SIPA, a leader in PET preform systems & packaging solutions, pays the utmost attention to the environment, through continuous and...
The first industrial plant of the Xtreme Renew system developed by Sipa, a company of Zoppas Industries...
On 12 June 2019, the "Directive 2019/904/EU of the European Parliament, most commonly known as SUP - Single Use Plastic was published in the Official...
PET material is increasingly used within the food context, especially for a high value product such as edible...
PET can be recovered, and the material reused, through a series of special washing processes or by a chemical treatment to break down the PET into its...
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S.I.P.A. S.p.A Società di Industrializzazione Progettazione e Automazione
Via Caduti del Lavoro,3 - 31029 Vittorio Veneto - Italy - Cap. Soc. 5.160.000 i.v. - R.E.A. n. 141344 C.C.I.A.A. di Treviso
C.F., P. IVA e Iscr. Reg. Impr. TV 01118790268 ISO CODE N IT 01118790268 Socio Unico
Società soggetta all'attività di direzione e coordinamento di IRCA S.p.A. Industria Resistenze Corazzate e Affini