SIPA’s Xtreme Renew by SIPA is the first circular system in the world that produces preforms and bottles while saving the environment, energy and money.
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Circular economy examples: Xtreme Renew for PET preforms for food use
SIPA’s Xtreme Renew di SIPA is the first circular system in the world that produces preforms and bottles while saving the environment, energy and money.
Key characteristics of edible oil bottle packaging
Since we are living in a world where our bodies are unknowingly exposed to many and different types of ailments, it becomes extremely important for...
PET packaging material: market trends and lightweighting factor
Packaging is an extremely relevant component to the marketing of products.
PET bottles vs glass and cans: costs and benefits working with PET
In recent years, the design of PET beverage bottles has been refined.
Among other aspects, the weight of each bottle has been reduced, thus reducing the...
Preform production: revolutionary rotary injection-compression system
Within the PET packaging solutions, SIPA’s Xtreme is rotary platform for manufacturing preform at high productivity and efficiency.
Energy saving production: SIPA Sincro Bloc for Permanis
Permanis Sdn Bhd had launched a RM40 million state-of-the-art bottling line in Bangi, Selangor to complement the six carbonated soft-drink lines.
San Miguel Industrias PET choose XFORM500: PET preform systems by SIPA
Leading rigid packaging company in the Andean Region, San Miguel Industrias PET (SMI), has made a major investment in XFORM preform production technology...
Case history: first SIPA Xtreme platform for lightweight PET preforms
The first XTREME system for production of injection-compression molded PET preforms was officially put into operation at a special Preform Production...
PET recycled products: costs and methodologies for packaging
The use of virgin rather than recycled plastic is of direct concern to packaging manufacturers, but one that has generic repercussions in terms of...